Some Comments and References from Clients
“As a surgical specialist, Dr. Hudson’s availability, communication and professionalism match my expectations of a coach...He is truly gifted in his knowledge and skills and will be a great resource to any physician leader or clinical doctor looking to expand their skills.”
Vascular Surgeon/California
"I am confident that Dr. Hudson possesses the qualities that any company would find desirable in a personal and professional coach. His knowledge, dedication, assertiveness, and excellent leadership qualities would without a doubt make him an asset to any individual or company that values specialized coaching..."
“The physicians (in our group) and the CEO expressed great satisfaction with outcomes, the flexibility of his services, and it is our intent to use him again in the future…”
“I see the opportunity to consult with Patrick Hudson not as a task, but as an incredible opportunity. Dr. Hudson comes with my most enthusiastic and most positive recommendation.”
Specialist Internist/New Mexico
"Dr. Hudson has helped coach providers within our organization over the last two years. He is responsive, accessible and knowledgeable. He has benefited the physicians we have sent to him and I would recommend him highly to help physicians adapt to the changing climate of healthcare."
Orthopedic Surgeon/Virginia
"He directly engages his clients and is very easy to speak with. He does his homework and really gets to know his clients so that he can provide very helpful and intuitive feedback. He provides a good balance of listening and advise for his clients. Dr Hudson is a credit to his profession and provides help that far surpasses ‘cookie cutter’ programs."
Physician Executive/Illinois
“I have been seeing him for several months now. His coaching sessions have been extremely helpful. We are working on finding the joy in my work again as well as helping me learn how to improve my interactions with my office staff and colleagues…I have found our sessions to be so beneficial that we are now exploring having my team work with him to strengthen our interactions with each other.”
Pediatrician/New Mexico
“Dr. Hudson was selected as the credentialed subject matter expert that could provide the much-needed insights to would shepherd me through a critical time in my professional career as a physician and health care manager. Dr. Hudson understands the many challenges faced by physicians in their everyday professional life…Dr. Hudson is the epitome of what a professional coach should be. In my interactions with Dr. Hudson, he always exhibited the consistent and persistent values, dedication, and passion necessary to elicit the right amount of trust expected from a professional of his trade.,,I am confident in Dr. Hudson’s clinical, interpersonal, administrative, and communication skills. His broad background helps him understand the human factors and challenges influencing the dynamics faced by us physicians…”
I liked this particular venue because of the individual attention, the marathon sessions and the beautiful location in Albuquerque, NM…The sessions were extremely educational, personal, open and direct. Dr. Hudson is a very intelligent person with a nice background in psychotherapy yet this is not a psychoanalytical session at all. The purpose is for executive coaching and I have discovered areas that are imperative to me in order to continue to be a successful Urologist…I would highly recommend this intense counseling day marathon with the follow-ups phone conversations to any open minded physician who wants to adapt to medical practice of the 21st century.”
Urological Surgeon/Minnesota
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